Securisks | 555 Skokie Blvd, Suite 495 | Northbrook, IL 60062 | Michael.Crane@securisks.com | 847.826.2065

Workplace Investigations and
Threat Assessment
Governmental agencies, such as the Equal Employment Commission (EEOC), OSHA, Department of Justice, Department of Labor, and most state’s Human Rights Commissions, advocate addressing complaints that allege company wrongdoing promptly and thoroughly. Upon receipt of allegation(s) of company wrongdoing, your company must provide specific facts regarding the complaint to the government within a short period of time. In addition, the Sarbanes-Oxley Act requires public companies to follow certain investigation procedures when allegations of impropriety are alleged.
In order to comply with government regulations and protect your company, you must understand what you need to do, when you need to do it, and how you need to do it. And Securisks can ensure that you’re doing it right.
CEO Michael A. Crane, an experienced attorney and licensed private detective, will conduct an impartial and focused investigation that reviews employment laws and your company’s human resource policies and procedures to determine areas where you are exposed to risk. As Mike conducts the investigation, employees will see that the company is taking the complaints seriously and responding in a professional, confidential, fair, and ethical manner—while he also protects the interests of the company. Mike will leverage his experiences as the Midwest Managing Director of IPSA International, a global investigative firm, where he conducted and oversaw investigations for many of the major corporations in the U.S. and apply best practices to your unique situation.

In today’s corporate culture, a comprehensive threat assessment system must be in place to prevent incidents of workplace violence. When information on an employee is received or the employee’s own actions raise concern about their propensity toward workplace violence, the company must take immediate action—because the safety of the employees at the workplace is your company’s top priority. To ensure their safety, Securisks will conduct a threat assessment of the employee to determine the facts, likelihood of an act of violence taking place, and a determination if the employee should be removed from the workplace.
Securisks puts our expertise to work for you. After conducting countless workplace threat assessments for a variety of companies, Michael Crane understands how important a team approach is to a successful threat assessment, with contributions from various departments including human resources, legal, facility, and operations as well as external constituents such as forensic psychologists.
National memberships add more value to your investigation. Michael Crane was a member of the Board of Directors of both the national and Chicago chapters of the Association of Threat Assessment Professionals. He oversaw the creation and publication of the Society of Human Resource Management (SHRM) and ASIS International (industry leading security association) Workplace Violence Prevention, American National (ANSI) Standard in 2011 and is overseeing a new active assailant standard.